Be Your Own Breast Friend

breast-friendsThe skin on the chest is thinner than on the face, and the cells don’t turn over as quickly. Start treating the girls with some respect and TLC.

Morning: Smooth on a cream high in antioxidants and peptides, like Pro+Therapy MD Advanced Ultra Rich Day Repair. The sun is 95% of the aging process. In fact, the sun breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin of your breats, making them sag faster, so don’t forget to follow up with a sunscreen!

Night: Exfoliate with a Clarisonic brush or a mild scrub, like PCA Skin Gentle Exfoliant. Then spread on a mix that’s one part retinol cream and one part moisturizer (we like DDF Pro-Retinol Energizing Moisturizer). Before you hit the sheets, rememeber—the chest get wrinkles, too. The way sleeping on your side can encourage wrinkles on the face, it can also cause those fine lines between your breasts. Your best bet? Sleep on your back.

The SkinMedix Team

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