
Tag Archives | Skin Care Myths

Have You Been Duped Into Believing These 7 Skin Care Myths?

“Squeaky clean”? A cure for Acne? Anti-Agers? We look into the truth


Skin isn’t clean unless it feels “squeaky” and tight

The phrase “squeaky clean” came into fashion in the 1930s with hair care commercials. The saying referred to the “squeaky” sound hair would make when cleaned and stripped of oils. In skin care (or hair care), that’s not necessarily a good thing. A cleanser should clear out pores and excess oil, but if you’re coming away with a stripped or “squeaky clean” feeling, your skin may be at risk for dehydration and nutrient loss. Replace moisture with an oil-balancing cream.


Anti-Agers prevent aging

This is a half-truth we’re sorry to bust. As this 2016 study revealed, aging is going to happen1. Your favorite “anti-aging” products aren’t faux; they just do more to help you age than stop you from aging. All “anti-aging” products can do is make sure you age gracefully, which we think is better anyways. 


If a product doesn’t work quickly, it isn’t working

Most skincare products take time to show results. Don’t give up. A solid three months is recommended to gauge the effects on the skin with supervision from your dermatologist. 


Acne disappears after teen years 

If only. You keep your skin clean, you’re in your thirties, maybe even forties or fifties, but still, those pesky bumps keep popping up. Why? Even as adults, particularly women, we experience fluctuations in our hormones which can contribute to the occasional blemish. Other factors such as environment, food consumption, an overproduction of sebum, and stress could be culprits. Adult acne may never be far away, but it can be managed by lifestyle changes and with the help of your dermatologist. 


There’s a cure for acne 

Acne cannot be cured. Your acne is likely a result of multiple factors. “Acne is a multifactorial disease: genetic factors, stress, androgens, and excess sweating all influence its development and/or severity.”2 You and your dermatologist can manage your symptoms as they fluctuate. 


The more it stings the better it’s working 

Like the “squeaky clean” myth, if it stings, it’s stripping away protective barriers or the skin and doing more harm than good. Stop, reassess, and either try a different product or decrease use. Work with your dermatologist to find the best products and track your reactions. 


You don’t need a moisturizer if you have oily skin

People with oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles and thicker skin, but their skin isn’t invincible. Oily skin can still experience dryness, sometimes even as a result of not using a moisturizer. Using a moisturizer helps keep oil production balanced. 


How Your Skin Ages is 100% based on genetics 

Genetics do play a role, but skin aging is a little more complex. The environment you live in, your lifestyle, and your health habits all come into play. For example, if your tendency is to cinch your eyebrows you might find wrinkles appear sooner between your brows. If you maintain a smoking habit, your skin is more likely to see premature aging3

  1. Colchero, F., Aburto, J.M., Archie, E.A. et al. The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis. Nat Commun 12, 3666 (2021).
  2. Ayer, J., & Burrows, N. (2006). Acne: more than skin deep. Postgraduate medical journal, 82(970), 500–506.
  3. Kadunce DP, Burr R, et al. “Cigarette smoking: risk factor for premature facial wrinkling.” Ann Intern Med. 1991 May 15;114(10):840-4.

5 Skincare Mistakes You’re Making

Mistakes. They happen to the best of us!

Acne, problem and portrait of woman with pimple in studio for cosmetic, mistake or disaster on blue.

I hate the be the bearer of bad news, but chances are we’re all making a mistake or two with our skincare. Far be it from me to add yet another step into your well-situated regimen or to contradict the routine you’ve finally nailed down, but for these five mistakes, I’m willing to rock the boat. 

You’re not eating correctly…

You can slather on the most expensive creams and serums that money can buy, but if you’re not eating right, you’re just throwing money out the window. Your skincare products work best in conjunction with a skin-healthy diet. Work with a dermatologist and dietician, or consider a supplement that targets skin health like Murad Pure Skin Dietary Supplement. 

You’re forgetting your neck…

Have you ever seen a woman with a flawless face set atop a flabby or crepey neck? I don’t know about you, but it’s not really the look I’m going for. The neck is one of the least regarded areas. Give it some love; it needs it. Extend your routine down with a targeted product like Revision Nectifirm. 

You’re skimping on sunscreen…

Don’t get caught up in what Harvard Health Publishing (the consumer health education division of Harvard Medical School), calls “sun-dread”1. There are benefits to moderate sun exposure. We do need Vitamin D, after all, and hiding away in a cave to let our skin turn ghostly pale can leave us deficient and cause as many, albeit different, problems as intense sun exposure. The department chair of Dermatology, Dr. Robert S. Stern proposes a middle ground whereby we can be free to frolic outside without the dreaded sun-dread. Wear an SPF of at least 15 when you’re outside for extended periods and a hat and shirt when the sun is at its strongest. Be mindful to apply every two hours. 

You’re ignoring your hands…

“If you want to know someone’s age, don’t look at their hands, look at their face,” says board-certified dermatologist Diane S. Berson, MD, FAAD, an associate professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine-New York Presbyterian Hospital.2 Always in contact with the elements, household chemicals, and extreme temperatures, they show the earliest signs of aging. To repair moderate to severe signs of damage try Elta MD So Silky Hand Creme or Epionce Restorative Hand Cream.


You’re skipping the roller…

If you aren’t using a micro needle roller you aren’t maximizing your skincare dollar or the effects of your favorite products. Skin Roller therapy is performed with a small wheel that gently rolls over the face and painlessly penetrates the skin’s upper surface twice a week. The treatment is simple but incredibly effective: research has shown an increase in the absorption of active ingredients up to 1000% and according to a study, “Histological examination of the skin treated with 4 micro-needling sessions 1 month apart shows up to 400% increase in collagen and elastin”3 which improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. Try the Micro Needle Roller 0.5mm from SkinMedix for the ultimate boost to your skin care regimen.

1Benefits of moderate sun exposure. Harvard Health. (2017, January 20). 
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