Get your glow on.

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Summertime, with its sunshine and heat, can bring a natural radiance to the skin, but – and here’s the kicker – in doses, and with supplements. Drink Water! Hydration is the most simple but effective way to keep your skin — you guessed it — HYDRATED! Dehydration sneaks up on us in the form of a throbbing headache, a sore or dry throat, or chapped lips. But a lie-down, lozenge, or chapstick will only provide a temporary solution. What you really need is to rehydrate. Our bodies consist of over 70 percent water, and especially during the summer we can sweat through that like chump-change. Keep hydrated. Not with juice, soda, tea, or coffee, but water. Electrolyte water for hot summer days is even better to quickly replenish your body’s stores. Coconut water is great, too; it has the same pH level as your blood. You will notice a difference in the texture of your skin, and you’ll keep the glow going all summer long. Get Sun—Avoid Sunburn Get sun in doses. If you live in a climate with four seasons, you probably feel the mad dash to soak up as much sun as possible before the cool weather and changing leaves return. We get it. But if you’d like to avoid sun spot showing up on your face during the winter months when you turn pasty pale again, don’t overdo your sun exposure to the point of sunburn. If you like to sunbathe, shoot for just a couple of sessions of 15 minutes on your back and front, alternating. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. Before I hit the beach, I useElemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream SPF 30 on my face under my usual makeup for a quick and easy flawless look. Eat EnoughAt the start of this summer season, the warmth came so quickly, I forgot how much it can affect me. I was laying on the couch like a slug calling my partner; I thought I was maybe sick or that something was seriously wrong. I had no energy. And then my body started to acclimate and I realized that it was the heat making me feel like a limp noodle. Heat saps your energy. A long day in the sun and water can make anyone reinstate naps. So though you may be trying to carve out that flat stomach and bikini bod, eat! Your body needs energy. Light foods will help with the heavy feeling heat gives us. Vegetables & fruit, salads, and sushi. Fresh, small servings throughout the day should keep you more satiated and less prone to feeling sluggish. Plus, the regular nutrients will make your skin sing.Work Out in the AM When the sun isn’t as strong, and while your energy is fresh, a light morning workout starts your day off on the right foot. Literally, a good morning workout promotes healthy circulation of your blood, giving life to your skin, and helping you sweat out any bad toxins before you start your day. A nice shower afterward makes you refreshed!
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